The Eight Values of Free Expression and Communication Technology
In this post, I am going to make a connection between a communication technology (in this case social media) and a value of free expression. to review, the eight values of free expression are:
1)Marketplace of Ideas (aka Discovery of Truth)
2)Participation in Self-Government
3)Stable Change (aka Safety Valve)
4)Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization)
5)Check on Governmental Power (aka Watchdog Role)
6)Promote Tolerance
7)Promote Innovation
8)Protect Dissent
The communication technology I will be focusing on is social media and how it expresses freedom of speech. A connection I can make with social media communication technology and a value of free expression pertains to the fourth value which is individual self -fulfillment.
Individual Self Fulfillment pertains to human liberty and human freedom of speech. Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identify — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy. This value of free speech helps to advance the value of free expression through individualistic values and opinions amongst people, not everyone has the same views and we are allowed to express those opinions in many different ways, thus, helping to create an identity amongst individuals. It prevents people from becoming a cookie-cutter version of everyone else, opinions, beliefs, and values are subjective to people and individual self-fulfillment permits it. It spreads free expression through what people say, post, and act on every day. This can be seen through social media - perhaps a post on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram stating particular views whether it is negative or positive. An example of this most recently, is the Black Lives Matter acts and use of the hashtag "#BLM" or hashtag #Black Lives Matter" which is an example of freedom of speech given that it is heavily charged with opinion and call to action individualistic to each person. Correspondingly, the recognition of the gay community with "Pride" parades, celebrations, and social media influence promoting positivity and promotion to be proud of who you are. The hashtag #PRIDE was also used to help spread this expression on various social media platforms.
Social Media ultimately helps strengthen freedom of speech and individual self fulfillment through the widespread use of technology. Because of the fact that so many individuals use social media, a message is more likely to spread faster to mass groups of people given just a single post to the internet can be liked, shared, and reposted throughout the entire world in just a matter of seconds. One again, a prime example is the Black Lives Matter movement which has been present on social media for quite some time now but with the recent murder of George Floyd, a video of Mr. Floyd's death by police brutality had surfaced on social media and sparked widespread outrage throughout the entire world. individuals used platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other media to voice their opinions about the matter.
Contrarily, there is a downside as well. Because social media is widespread and nearly the entire world uses it, whatever you post is out there forever. Not all people will necessarily be satisfied with an opinionated post which can lead to a very negative impact. People even lose their jobs over posts with negative connotations that can cause outrage. Of course, one is allowed to post freely to voice opinion (without malicious intent) but there is no guarantee that every post is safe from disagreement which is another allowance of the first amendment. You can agree or disagree with something freely. That being said, values can in fact become undermined because of other people's opinions or thoughts. For example, if a mass number of people decide to disagree or what today's society calls "Cancel Culture" there is no doubt a person's opinion can become undermined.
This article from the odyssey describes what "cancel culture" is and it's negative effect:
Personally, I view the internet and social media as a very fragile privilege. The content you post may not be offensive to you, but it could be to someone else. I believe it is very important to think before posting something that you think could spark outrage or any negative connotation. Once you post to the internet, it is out there forever. I personally avoid posting my personal thoughts or opinions online. I would rather keep to myself than spark arguments amongst widespread social media platforms.